Annual Juried Exhibition features various medias from the following artists:
Adkisson, Amanda Untitled #1
Alfonso, Vince Heartful
Ambro, Adam Jeep No. 1
Bearden, Denise Joy
Blake, Susan Flow
Bogaert, Shelley Modern Family: Canadian #3
Caruso, Amelia And saw it through without exemption
Christian, Cody I Was Running Through Yr Snapchat....
Cooper, Jodie Solid Arch
Cordon, Shana Urban Collage 101
Crumley, Loggie The Watcher
Davis, Deborah Ebony
Duddy, Robert Theres NoPlace Like Home
Ellis, Gregory The Milk Drinker
Elsberg, Paul Lark ascending
Gonzales, Adelina Arabian Nights
Hansel, Leslie Distracted
Hanson, Maddie How many times
Laz, Melinda Labrynth
Madden, Paige Push
Meiklejohn, David Entropy
Miller, Zachary TRAP
Ng, Nicolas Pu Yi
Palmeri, Josh Brown is the new black II
Plastini, Johnny Into the void -- the diptych only is fine with me
Prago, Rachel Farmhouse
Schroeder, Dannon Induce
Scott, Catherine Wall Construct #62
Sexton, Brandon Homo Sacer
Starer, Noah Femur
Wasinger, Susan Things I Forgot to Say